not running right


New member
Dec 19, 2007
ok let me start from the beginning and see what kinda input you guys have. so i was on my way to work in my 2000 ctd and turned my chip on (edge comp) at that time the only light that lit up on the comp was the fifth bar instead of all five which should have been on with it being in level 5. before i could reach down and unhook the harness to the chip the service engine light soon came on. at this point the truck had no balls. it would keep a consistent speed but it woudnt light the turbo.l i left the chip unhooked for awhile then i plugged it back in. the truck started running fine again like it always did before. now after work last night the service engine light went off but now its back on and the truck again has no balls unless the chip is on and even with that it persistently feels like someone turned the key off and back on when im driving it. the truck hasnt died but sometimes it makes me wonder if its gonna keep running but it seems to catch its self. didnt know if it was possibly my injection pump slowly going out or a crankshaft postioning sensor or possibly just a dirty filter......what do you guys think
Unplug the box and unhook the batteries over night to clear all the past codes from the system. Hook everything back up in the AM and drive it with the box either off or unplugged for a day or two to make try and narrow the problem down to the truck or the box. If you have no issues with the box off you have likely found the problem. The Edge Comp's are a great upgrade, but some of the later production runs are crappy as you can get, would not surprise me if the board might be fried in yours. The upside is Edge has been VERY good about warranty work with them.