not sure how I missed this forum...


New member
Aug 19, 2010
...but I found it. I'm probably gonna ask all kinds of newbie greenhorn questions... bear with me.

Corey MacQueen
Warren PA
Do a search before you ask any dumb@ss questions

On Edit:

Welcome!!! Lots of information to be had here...
if you want or have 12 inch or bigger stacks or tips keep it to yourself or you will never hear the end of it.
And please no "how to make my truck smoke" or "smoke switch" questions.
Welcome to Comp D.
welcome, dont mind the other guys. Just so many come on here wanting to make their truck just smoke like a train
ok... I see that my definition of "newbie greenhorn" is different than others. I haven't ever pulled a sled, but planning on it in the future. Maybe for 2011, but may have to wait til 2012.

I've done some searching, and I can't find an answer to this one... what kind of power can an OEM-based trans take, either auto or manual? Seems to me that ProFab type stuff would be a no-brainer for durability's sake.

I'm looking at Full-Pull's stuff, simply because they're local to me...

Oh, and thanks for the welcomes!
making us guess what truck you have I see ? most tend to say that 60 hp over stock on any of the trannies is about all they will take for long, depending on how you drive. Killing a trans and then upgrading will always cost you more than building the trans first to handle the power later.
If you honestly can't find the answers, feel free to post up.....
Some folks here get all bent by new guys asking the same chit thats been answered before but I honestly don't mind....
I know how it is as a new guy that wants to post and get "known" with the crowd....Folks want fresh and up to date answers and I don't blame them.

I enjoy meeting the new guys/gals and helping if I can...So don't let them bother you if someone give ya a little chit....We all took it at some point or another...

Welcome and Enjoy!!
