Not sure what to do


Soot Sniffer
Apr 30, 2006
I have been to every TS event since the beginning and I might miss this one.

Since I have been laid off for seven months because the construction is slow around here and don't have anything else going on.We were going to leave on Thursday around noon.It is an eight hour drive to Bowling Green,well got a job last wed. and not sure how long it will last and do not want to cause any waves about taking a day off.

My dilemma is do I drive down Friday (8hrs by myself) and miss the drags just to watch the pulls and then drive home Sunday.And then there is the chance of rain.

And to top it off my truck is not done yet so I have to drive the Jeep down.

Eric we are leaving hopefully early friday. Got room in the duramax if you want to go. let me know.
Dennis I'm going to try my damndest to make it.Everyone else will be leaving Thursday sometime.
If Eric doesn't go it won't be the same! Hell whats next Aaron and Mark not going? Hell I'll just stay at home if that happens! I hope you can make it Eric, but totally understand if you don't.