O.K. Humor me


New member
Nov 30, 2008
I have a project I am toying with a little in my spare time and decided I would like to use the extra 6.0 turbo I acquired on it. I would need to be able to control the spool valve the actuates the VVT. Does anyone here know what that would take? I know it needs oil pressure. How many psi are needed? What signal is sent to the stepper motor the turns the spool valve? Is it 0-5V, 0-10V or something else entirely.

I am thinking I can find a way to electronically control it using throttle position, vehicle speed, rpm, boost and possibly EGT's using a programmable controller. I just need to know what output is required.

Yes I know the overwhelming question is "why?" It's just something I want to do if I can.