Ohhhhh No!!!


12 too many valves...
Sep 4, 2007
This all started yesterday at a local auction. A 2002 3500 4x4 rolled up on the auction block, which peaked my interest. Pretty truck, good paint, whatever... not the point.

I buy the truck for a steal of a deal, and go pay and sign papers. They delivered the truck out to me in the parking lot, and I took it around the block for a quick test drive. THE TRUCK HAS NO POWER WHATSOEVER! When put in neutral and revved past 1800RPM, it smokes solid white, and stumbles very bad.

I managed to get it home, as some power came back after about 10 mins of driving. I immediately put my scanner on the truck, and come back with the dreaded P0216. Just as I suspected, VP's dead.

My question: Will putting a FASS on this thing help at all? I want to sell the damn thing, but don't want to sell a lemon to someone. Will the FASS make it more driveable? Any restoration of power? I don't want to mess with putting another VP on it, but if the FASS won't help, I guess thats my only option. :bang
well if you got a steal of deal on it then put the vp on it and raise the price a little bit more and put some kind of good lift pump on it.
Yeah I know that, but I'm trying to maximize my profit here, while trying to avoid ripping someone off. :Cheer:
I would keep it. Get you a new VP, and go to town on mods. You got if for a steal anyhow right?
While I did get a good deal on it, I DO NOT want to keep the thing. I've got 8 personal vehicles, and cannot have any more. I want to move this thing. Any help is appreciated.
LOL Well, you could try the FASS out, and see if it helps, and if not, put it on the truck in your sig. Just an idea.
She's already got the 150 FASS. Need to add that to my sig...
Did they tell you that the truck was messed up when you bought it???

As for the FASS I would personally not buy it. Only since you are going to be selling the truck. Regardless you are going to have to drop a 1000 bucks for the new VP44. Just slap a new IP on it and check the stock lift pump to make sure it is working properly.
Nope they didn't know anything about the truck. All the vehicles came in on trailers. Also, they have a rule where you cannot test drive or even start the vehicles before the sale. Yeah Dave I guess you're right, I'll order the pump tomorrow...
Check with Scott over at MassDiesel. I got my pump from him at a good price and he's a heck of a nice guy to deal with. GREAT customer service!
smoken02 said:
Would it be possible to find a used vp. You could post a wanted ad.

That is possible and I saw one for sale not long ago, but with buying a new one you get a full 1 year warranty.(only valid if you don't pierce the pump wire)

Is the truck a HO or SO?
if the deal was good, drop the $1k on a vp44, save the labor by putting it on yourself, and then sell the truck, and you will still turn a profit if the price you got was as good of a deal as you make it out to be.

no fuel pump in the world is going to make up for, or cure a bad vp44, once its hurt, its hurt and needs to be replaced
you migh try a vulcan lp if the stocker is dead its cheaper the the fass but like blown 5.9 said no fuel pump will fix it
If the stock lp is dead I have 2 of them just laying around in the garage. I removed them only a couple weeks ago. one has 80,000 miles the other 110,000.