ohio memeber


New member
Jan 21, 2013
new from ohio

i have an 08 6.4 fully deleted go fast parts coming soon!
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Not a good way to get started around here. Good luck to ya.
Uh oh. I see a ban hammer in this guys future when a mean ol mod sees this!
Better hope a mod don't see this. They will knock you down to 0 posts or give you a vacation.
Welcome to CompD. also from Ohio.
10 post rule is to prove that you are a contributing member here, not just some tard trying to scam on our good members.
Try that again and I'll revoke your ability to send PM's permanently.
Also. Try to pay attention to your Speling, punctuation, and grammar.
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Not trying to start anything fellas saw a good deal in the sales and didn't want to post something meaningless in someone's thread thanks for the advice