oil is pouring out my turbo down pipe.


New member
Dec 19, 2008
ok i have only my down pipe on my truck cause im waiting on my exhaust kit to come in and one day i started it and after 10 seconds of running the turbo went silent and then oil started to pour out of the down pipe.so i took the intercooler hose off the intake manifold and seen oil all along the inside of it. so now i know it must be a seal in the turbo or something so i booked it in at a ford dealer and they said they will replace it under warranty. so i asked them if they are going to clean the inter cooler and intake piping and they said no all the oil will burn off they said. now to me that sounds F*$%ED UP:mad: like wouldnt there be lots sitting at the bottom of the inter cooler and intake manifold. the resone y i am getting mad is cause i run out of warranty like 3 days after my truck is booked in for. so when its out it will have no warranty at all. and i don't want my motor to blow up a week after. so what are your guys thoughts on this.

Yes it shuold be standard protocol to atleast take the air to air and have it boiled and flushed I dont know how it will burn off. I just went through this with a Terra-Gator that blew the turbo, had the Deere dealer install the new one and not clean out the metal fragments in the air filter, we also replaced the air to air which is a agco part and is $2800. The mechanic left and 30 min later, shucked the new turbo. This time the deere dealler wanted to flush it but last time when it was on us, we had to put a new one on.
ya im going to call ford tomorrow and tell them what my dealer is doing.
they have helped me lots in the past.
definatly get it boiled and even pressure tested while its out man i just sent one out to get done at work out of a pc800 and there is no way in hell i would just throw a new turbo on anything with out gettin the air to air checked out
That would be best. My brother is a Ford mechanic (they hate it that he drives a dodge) and he says he allways had to flush or replace depending on how bad it was. If it has a ton of oil in it, it could suck it in and keep the truck running on oil even after shutting the key off.
When you clean it out. It will be put right back in when you drive down the road from the closed crankcase vent from the valve cover. Keep that in mind before yelling at the dealer. If the tube is clogged oil will back up in the the turbo and it will pump out the exhaust.
i know its not the tube being clogged.... so i talked to ford service in ontario canada and are very pissed about what the ford dealer said to me so they are giving me one more year of warranty or another 100,000 kms :) free!!!!! and they are going to get my dealer to clean out everything that is including taking the cab off and the heads to make sure there is no gasket problems. THANKS FORD CANADA!!!!!!
Here is your can opener. Here come the worms. If you have a seal failure in the turbo, why tear the engine apart?
^What he said. If it all checks out o.k. I learned the hard way to leave it alone. The less tear downs the better.
y are they taking the heads off? cause they want to make sure there is no head gasket problems that are going to come up because of it. i am all so getting them to install studs and im getting fire rings.
You can test the cooling system with a pressure tester. You don't need to take the heads off to check it.
are u dumb i still want studs and fire rings so i still need to pull the heads off. so y not get them to do it for free
Can't turn that down. Where are you getting your fire ring set-up from?
are u dumb i still want studs and fire rings so i still need to pull the heads off. so y not get them to do it for free

Actually, after a few cognitive tests, I have been identified as mentally retarded.

You started off the thread with an oil leak and now you have found a dealer that wants to put in studs and fire rings. I anxiously await the results of this.

At the dealer level finding problems and doing a grocery list of things is called selling warranty. If the original ticket is written for an oil leak and then lines are added even with manager approval for other warranty issues which is now going to add items that will likely put it over the cost cap for the repair, someone is going to come and look at the truck.

Thats just my dumb thought for the day.
are u dumb i still want studs and fire rings so i still need to pull the heads off. so y not get them to do it for free

man you are gonna regret having them do that soo bad but you will learn, its really when you get the dealership to put in performance parts for you and they go bad or screw something up because they have NEVER done it before or dont know the proper torque on the studs, :bang enjoy
Actually. A friend of mine works for a ford dealership and it is a very normal occurance for him to install headstuds.
ok i have only my down pipe on my truck cause im waiting on my exhaust kit to come in and one day i started it and after 10 seconds of running the turbo went silent and then oil started to pour out of the down pipe.so i took the intercooler hose off the intake manifold and seen oil all along the inside of it. so now i know it must be a seal in the turbo or something so i booked it in at a ford dealer and they said they will replace it under warranty. so i asked them if they are going to clean the inter cooler and intake piping and they said no all the oil will burn off they said. now to me that sounds F*$%ED UP:mad: like wouldnt there be lots sitting at the bottom of the inter cooler and intake manifold. the resone y i am getting mad is cause i run out of warranty like 3 days after my truck is booked in for. so when its out it will have no warranty at all. and i don't want my motor to blow up a week after. so what are your guys thoughts on this.


This is my first time posting on this forum. I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago. I thought it had something to do with the ccv at first. Truck was smoking out the exhaust like crazy. I took it to the dealer and had the oil seal replaced. When I got it back, it still smoked. They told me to drive it till it burned out. Was a little embarrassing, but it did stop after a day or so.