Oil Leak


New member
May 10, 2007
Noticed a little oil under my truck today and this is what i found
05 6.0 psd 52K

Right Head

Left Head
I'm still sticking with glow plug o-rings. Can we get pics from above the exhaust manifolds.
Cylinder number 4 has oil working itself up the backside of the flange.
Since its worked itself all the way back. Go get some 3M Brake cleaner. Not the cheap non-clorinated bull****. Its in black cans, can't miss the 3M red logo. Clean the **** out of the oil. Drive 10 miles and recheck.
I will do that. I double checked the glow plug seals and there is no evidence of a leak anywhere.
Maybe its your molecular defibrillator Doug. You get them gutenator valves of just 2 degrees and it completely screws the Fallopian tubes up resulting in molecular defibrillator damage.

Anyway. Back to the problem. LOL