Oil less turbos huh....

Seems pretty legit, but only seems feasible in a small frame turbocharger.... Nothing big enough that we could use and still be efficient..
We had an aero charger on our old v max and it was oil less. Cute little thing

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So what do you gain if you have to replace the oil lines with water lines?
I talked to them a few years back about some turbos. I was asking if they could do this, "anyting you wan mon, we can do it"

I think they also had a exhaust wheel with the same exducer and inducer dimensions.
The reasoning behind our turbo is the extreme angles the sled would be in would cause oiling problems, and a separate oil system would have to to be built. So an oil less works pretty good in that sort of application. Ours was mounted vertically.

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They're nice for a 2 stroke that doesn't have easy access to oiling too.

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So what about for a dd/ drag truck? You would know more about it than anyone else most likely LOL
In the 2nd to newest diesel power magazine (I think has the rust bucket on cover) has 8 new engine designs and one is ceramic pistons that are ring-less and no oil either