Oil Pan


Nov 6, 2007
Will a 12v Oil Pan fit on a 24v Engine? Cummins Part #3806266.
Sweet, I got one for free.. I ordered a 12v pan and gasket from Cummins, they called today to say my pans were in..huh!?!? Sure enough 2 pans 2 gaskets and they charged me for one, but the order ticket shows 2 ordered..
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Heck I 'll buy the one for half price then ..... still a dang good deal ..... right ? ....... seriously though ... will buy it
Naaa ....... but he would get half his money back that way..... no disrespect intended
Did the right thing and went a paid for the extra pan and gasket.. only a 150 bucks and I needed to get on for my engine sometime
Did the right thing and went a paid for the extra pan and gasket.. only a 150 bucks and I needed to get on for my engine sometime

Good on you. Not that it means chit, but now I'm proud of you. Respect is hard to earn and easy to lose.:Cheer:
Good on you. Not that it means chit, but now I'm proud of you. Respect is hard to earn and easy to lose.:Cheer:

I too agree .... its hard to find honest people anymore .... just look at our president .....:bang .... hell for that matter the whole political scene :badidea: