oil pressure question


New member
Feb 28, 2007
i was looking to add a by-pass oil filter and was wondering if i would run into any oil pressure issues by taking a line off my filter cap to the bypass filter and back into the oil fill tube

any insight would help

Shouldn't be a problem. The bypass filters don't move a great deal of oil, basically as much as can flow from a 1/16" gauge line.

Which model are you looking at?
Im currently running the FS-2500, you dont see any drop in pressure,atleast I havent noticed any
thanks for the info guys

right now its between the bmk-11 amsoil unit and a fs-2500 not sure which one im gonna use
I ran a bmk-12 with 6an lines and an external oil cooler with no pressure loss noticed on an aftermarket pressure gauge.
Sonic_Superduty said:
Im currently running the FS-2500, you dont see any drop in pressure,atleast I havent noticed any

What have your oil analysis shown since you put the filter on?
I have only sent in a analysis once and the oil had 7200 miles on and they told me I should have no problem stretchin out to 10-12000 mi on a change. I am now back to changing around every 4000..... everything they say about it seems to be true though....
I guess my question now is, with twice the drain interval, with the cost of the system, how long would it take to recover the cost? Granted you get the cost bonus that there is less crud in the oil...
well I guess it depends on how much you drive,,, I know a good friend of mine owns Lanes lube express, and if I were to have him change my oil in sonic it would be around 85+ hell my s-10 w/ 4.3 cost me 35 bucks yesterday.....
Yeah, but the FS-2500 was what $800 or something? that's a lot of oil...