Oil to Water temp?


Nov 6, 2007
a few weeks ago I noticed that my Edge Insight shows my Oil temp was continusly 10-15* warmer than my Coolant temp.. They used to run within 2-3*.. I did an oil change thinking maybe it was a oil situation, but no change.. Is this a problem or am i worryin over nothin? I was told by a Mechanic that it could be a Oil Cooler starting to fail..but I don't know any truth to that?
most of time mine is normally in that range. Mine is never more than 15* apart from one another tho.
This fall in the cooler temps my coolant has been reading 10 to 15 degrees cooler also. I'm thinking it is because of the cooler outside temps. All summer it has been with in 5 to 10 degrees difference.
What if your oil temps are cooler than the coolant? Coolant running at 190* and oil is running 155*.