Okay Okay.. So I'm weak..


Difficult To Pronounce...
Sep 24, 2006
I'm a weaksuck.

I came over to the site just to watch the thread between Maddog and Fletcher.. And watch the uberific video..

And then I registered so I could read more the five posts.. You know, see whats going on..

And slowly I started to post...

And now I'm a regular fixture, checking the forums every 5 minutes from work.

I'm a weaksuck, and I'm going to be around probably for a while.

So that is how it all started. I really like the site, and the information is great. Time to pull up a chair and get cozey, cuz I'm going to be hanging out for a while.
Cool man. Glad you enjoy it here. :welcome:
Welcome (officiallyLOL) to Competition Diesel.

Yeah, we kinda grow on ya....:woohoo: :evil :woohoo:
MD-LUCKY said:
I'm a weaksuck.

I came over to the site just to watch the thread between Maddog and Fletcher.. And watch the uberific video..

And then I registered so I could read more the five posts.. You know, see whats going on..

And slowly I started to post...

And now I'm a regular fixture, checking the forums every 5 minutes from work.

I'm a weaksuck, and I'm going to be around probably for a while.

So that is how it all started. I really like the site, and the information is great. Time to pull up a chair and get cozey, cuz I'm going to be hanging out for a while.

Don't feel bad, years ago I started out on the SETDR board just to get a little more info on my new truck, now I'm helping to build a GREAT site, spend lots of $$$ to keep up with the Joneses (power wise) and suffer withdrawals when away from the internet for more than a day LOL LOL LOL

It could not be done wthout folks like you who come to learn, and find much more :thankyou2::thankyou2:
Addiction is fine...Fighting the addiction is not tolerated...LOL