Opinions please on welding cam gear on


Diesel Head
Nov 16, 2007
I'm swapping over to a P-pump finally and am thinking about just welding the cam gear onto my stock cam. My main reason for swapping over is for reliability. I use the truck to tow our 10k camper now and I still have the stock hx35.

I want to take some sort of measure to keep the gear from walking off of the cam so I was originally planning on drilling the stock cam. Then I started thinking about buying a regrind cam but I question on if I will really see any benefits from a new cam. Plus that just creeps up the cost of this swap. So if I could get by with welding the gear onto the cam then that would be almost free.

What are all of your thoughts?
It will save you now and cost you later. It's 600$ for a new cam gear with the tone ring on it from cummins. Buy a drop in street can with retainer and be done.
If you're keeping the stock turbo there's not much benefit going with a different cam. Drill and tap your stock cam and use a retainer.
Thanks for the responses. I think the most practical way for me would have been to drill and tap my stock cam, but I'm still a little new to this area and what few guys that I do know that can machine weren't giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling about doing the job. So I bit the bullet and bought a cam.
You'd have been $$$ ahead keeping the stock cam and upgrading the charger...to each their own!
That very well could be my next upgrade. Did you read the part where I said that I didn't have confidence that I could get my stock cam drilled properly?
Baby steps. You already have the Eat Soot parts. You are doing just fine. Remember Im just a call away for help Craig.