Opinions/Reasons for 2.5 rule


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Just curious on everybody's opinions and personal thoughts of the 2.5 rule at certain pulls/orgs that don't allow front hanging weights but allow "hidden weight". I'm nobody and I know this but my personal opinion is that it's a lil unnecessary, one of the main things about pulling is putting the weight where you need it. I understand they want stock appearing, but come on fellas, we pull to put on a show. Everybody knows that these trucks aren't stock. IMO, if you're not allowed any front hanging weights, the rule should read, "no added weight in front of vehicle. This rule favors the Chevy guys of course, do to there front end setup where you can easily add a nice flat chunk of steel with 3 or 4 bolts holding it on. I don't know, just something I don't agree with, just thought I'd see what everyone on here has to say about it. Thanks for any input.
Because a large portion of the fans who pay their money and put their butts in the seats to come see people pull are pretty clueless about what really happens out there. They have a different perception and their perception is reality. I've sat in the stands and listened to the people who "think they know" what's going on or have a buddy that pulls and they are now "experts", and yes there are a few knowledgeable people in the stands, but in general people don't have a clue about the inner workings or what exactly goes on in each class. Many times it's completely based on what they see and hear as the trucks go down the track. In order for promotors to differentiate between classes, they often times do things that may not make much sense to the guys that are pulling. Yes front hanging weight is much easier to deal with (for most) and easier to add/remove etc.etc, but hanging weight is an obvious visual change to a truck. Promotors could outlaw ANY weight up front, but instead they make a compromise with the pullers. The pullers get to add weight where it helps the most (and can keep a truck from being a jackrabbit and putting on a poor show), yet it keeps the look of the truck from going too far in a direction they don't want.

What pullers fail to realize is it's not about them, it's about the fans. Without the fans, pulls would be happening for a first place ribbon, not the payouts you are currently seeing. Years ago payouts (like some of the ones going on today) were not even thought possible on a regular basis (and yet pullers still complain). Promotors find that certain groups come to watch the "big boys" with all the mods and blowing smoke, yet most don't realize how many people like seeing trucks (even if they are completely built to the hilt and gutted on the inside) that resemble something they drive or someone they knows drives or even think they could drive. They want to appeal to the largest poplulation they can which means money in their pockets which hopefully finds it's way to the pullers as well. While this might not be as true at an event such as Scheids or TS, it is true for most clubs/orgs/etc even though I bet a majority of the pullers in those clubs believe otherwise.

If you want hanging weight, jump to 2.6 or 3.0. Right now the average person couldn't tell the difference between a 2.6 truck or non open driveline 3.0 and that's what promotors don't like. By keeping the 2.5 non hanging weight it helps differentiate.

While people may or may not agree about hanging weight in a 2.5 class, that is the main reason it's not allowed.
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I can accept that, and I understand that you say it's about the fans, but without the pullers, there wouldn't be any fans. And in my personal experiences pulling for the yrs that I have, the fairs, orgs, etc...have nvr said anything or been concerned about the fans knowing the difference between the different classes. They've been worried about one thing, making money, which leads to wanting more trucks to show up. I don't understand why not have the same rules as everyone else to get a better turnout of trucks.
Ours allows hanging weight in 2.5 but we also still have work stock and split the classes between gas and diesels so people can easier see the increase in classes. I agree with allowing hanging weight and like how we still dont allow hood stacks and such in 2.5 the truck most still be street legal. Our organization is just the same you hardly ever hear them talk about what the fans want which im sprry but in the end were there for the fans in the stands but ours is more about making money as well.
I can accept that, and I understand that you say it's about the fans, but without the pullers, there wouldn't be any fans. And in my personal experiences pulling for the yrs that I have, the fairs, orgs, etc...have nvr said anything or been concerned about the fans knowing the difference between the different classes. They've been worried about one thing, making money, which leads to wanting more trucks to show up. I don't understand why not have the same rules as everyone else to get a better turnout of trucks.

As a puller I understand where you are coming from too. Pullers could exist without the fans, but after building/renting a sled, renting a venue, buying insurance, buying track equipment, etc. etc. there would be no such thing as payouts and membership fees and hook fees would be much higher (even with sponsors). The pullers actually need the fans/venues to keep the cost to the average puller reasonable (as far as being able to hook) as well as provide good payouts (if at all).

As for the rules not being universal, while it can be certain promotors who push for certain rules, it is often the pullers of each area pushing for different rules. Why compete against 20 trucks for top prize if you can limit it to 10? It's a better chance of winning. Behind the scenes there are often personalized agendas from pullers who push for things that make it tough to have universal rules. Yes there are true competitors who hope to pull against the best and as many as possible, but that is not the majority. And then there are those that publically state that's what they want (good competition and large number of competitors), but vote for and push for things that are the exact opposite.

The reason why rules aren't universal is due to the pullers themselves. Universal rules would mean more trucks at each venue (A. because trucks from other clubs would come B. because some guys don't pull because there are different rules at different venues so they choose to go drag racing or just not pull). Universal rules would favor promotors, sponsors, and Truck Pulling (notice I didn't say truck pullers) in general, but those who fear large competition don't want it (and sadly behind the scenes that is the VAST majority of pullers). If a puller can dominate in his local neck of the woods, why would he want to change it and allow others to put him/her mid pack and out of payouts/points. It's selfish, but it's a reality. A lot of new pullers (10 years or less) don't realize that.

Edit: I also believe diesel pulling in recent history was also affected by certain vendors pushing for things they should not have which hurt the sport and led to rules being different (turbos in particular), but that is water under the bridge at this point.
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I agree with what you're saying there. I guess that's mainly where I'm coming from, more pullers and entertainment, the btr. I guess guys don't realize yet that you don't pull to make money. You pull and win to give your head, wife, etc...a better reason to spend more money. And also like you said, I'm in the boat to where I live in southern Indiana and would like to pull at different orgs, but can do to that rule. I've thought about making a way to attach/detach weight easily but it's not real easy on a straight axle like a dodge or ford. I'm not trying to complain or anything but I was wanting some input from some others guys that pull in itpa and any other orgs that use that rule, just to see there point of view on it.
I pull 2.5 with ITPA and am also a board member. It was originally a class set up to be trucks that " appear" to be off the street and was intended to be an entry level class. There were a lot of limitations put in place to keep the class from getting out of hand like the 2.6 did. I can honestly say there is a big difference in how the truck hooks up with or without hanging weight. So without hanging weight it's going to be a little easier on driveline. More and more organizations are allowing hanging weights and I'm sure eventually they will all allow it.