Out of the office.....

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I apologize but we will be out of the office after 12:00 tomorrow. We are going to be on the dyno with our new cylinder head! I will give you a full report in the coming days.

Also to let you know I will be out of the office for a few weeks due to getting married on the 19th. Ryan will be holding down the fort so feel free to call him. If you have any questions call Ryan at 1-512-778-9418, Pure diesel Power, Cummins performance parts, Diesel Performance Parts in Nashville or any of our dealers.

I appreciate your patience as I take a short break. We have some really cool stuff to announce in the coming weeks, so check back.


Zach Hamilton
Cool. I just called for a delivery update today. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding.
