
Mar 25, 2008
Ok.. my truck has done this for along time and its getting old... Whenever my truck is empty or not a very heavy load behind it, it never overheats or gets warm. but whenever i get a heavy load behind me it gets hot?..Like the other day i was getting rid of some junk cars and i weighed 21,080 on the scale and pulling that up hills i had to roll windows down and crank on the heater full blast to keep temp down. i have replaced thermostat not to long ago and water pump feels fine. if the temp is cooll out like fall or early spring my tempts never get hot. any suggestions???? tempt was mabey 80 so it wasnt very hot outside
o and i never have my edge on when towing heavy, just the superchip and my egts hardly ever get over 1250
Ok.. my truck has done this for along time and its getting old... Whenever my truck is empty or not a very heavy load behind it, it never overheats or gets warm. but whenever i get a heavy load behind me it gets hot?..Like the other day i was getting rid of some junk cars and i weighed 21,080 on the scale and pulling that up hills i had to roll windows down and crank on the heater full blast to keep temp down. i have replaced thermostat not to long ago and water pump feels fine. if the temp is cooll out like fall or early spring my tempts never get hot. any suggestions???? tempt was mabey 80 so it wasnt very hot outside

I think that has everything to do with your overheating issue!!!
Try pulling the radiator out and cleaning the front of it. The puke bottle makes a mess of it, cause of many overheating problems.
Ok.. my truck has done this for along time and its getting old... Whenever my truck is empty or not a very heavy load behind it, it never overheats or gets warm. but whenever i get a heavy load behind me it gets hot?..Like the other day i was getting rid of some junk cars and i weighed 21,080 on the scale and pulling that up hills i had to roll windows down and crank on the heater full blast to keep temp down. i have replaced thermostat not to long ago and water pump feels fine. if the temp is cooll out like fall or early spring my tempts never get hot. any suggestions???? tempt was mabey 80 so it wasnt very hot outside

Pull the superchips off if you have a comp box, the superchips is not going to help and might actually hurt. Run the comp on level 3 or lower, 2 seems to work best for me. Finally, clean the entire system, front to back, inside and out.

I think that has everything to do with your overheating issue!!!

21k total is not a lot of weight, I've rolled at 26k for many thousands of miles with a rather large 5th wheel (lots of wind drag) and had nary a problem. These trucks with some mods will pull way more than they can stop or control safely. A for instance is that rolling over the scales at 36k I did not like how the truck acted, it did not feel like the truck was handling the load, more like the truck was being handled by the load.
radiator clogged because of the stock breather location. look at the front of the radiator between the intercooler and radiator, its prob plugged.
Some times just swapping the radiator helps just due to the outside is clogged and the tubes on the inside can be clogged. Also the A/C condenser and the air to air core can be clogged with bugs or road salt. Take it to a truck wash and get them to run a whole lot of warm soapy water through there and also throw in some aluminum brightener (acid). We have the same problem on the trucks at work. When they get a good load behind them they heat up and swapping or cleaning the outside helps. The acid and warm water really makes a difference. At lease 90% of the time I would say.
How many miles on the truck? We just recently acidized the gf's truck with 295k on it. Scale builds up on the inside of the tubes and reduces efficiency. We used a commercial grade scale remover usually available from HVAC supply houses. You have to check the acidity with litmus paper to keep from going to strong and to tell you if you removed all the scale. You can PM me for details if washing the outside doesn't help. But start by relocating the puke bottle and washing the crap out of the radiator. 180* thermostats are still available. Contact Snedge on here. JMHO.
My 2002 HO does this with the chip on high running hard empty. I have already replaced my T-stat and cleaned outside of radiator. Will a 180 degree solve my problem?
dumb question...

a 180* thermostat keeps the motor at 180*? mine always goes up to 200 and back down to 180 back and forth back and forth. my buddy's say that theirs is always planted at 190 and never moves once its there. if the 180* thermostat keeps it at 180 is that better, or more efficient than 190 or 200?
i would just bet the inside of the raditor is stopped up my outside was pretty clean the inside was nasty took the whole thing out clean it with coil cleaner then resoaked it with degreaser then pressure washed the whole thing you will be surprized how much crap will come out of it. Try this i bet it will fix your problem. These trucks like to run at 195 to 210 thats about where mine bounces back and forth at depends on how much load and what hill im pulling.
ok thanks for all the info. i will pull the radiator and clean the heck out of it. truck has somwhere in lower 160,000 miles. swaping is not much an option since its the only dodge i have.
well you guys were def right. that thing was clooged bad. Prob only 30% was actually getting air threw.
Now that it's back in, take a piece of screen wire and cover the front behind the grill. Everytime you have the hood open by a water hose just wash it off, you would be amazed at how much crap it will keep out of the radiator/intercooler/condenser stack.