P-Pump mod


New member
Jul 1, 2006
Got to talk to the Stucky Racing guys at the Maple Grove event, they mentioned that they had a knob in the dash that was connected to the fuel plate in the pump via a cable. And they could change the position of the plate by turning the knob, anyone know about this ?

The old ATS, as in Advance Turbo Systems used to make that kit. Didn't actually move the plate, it controlled the AFC arm, so you could roll the fuel back or add more, depending on what you wanted.
Hmmmmm, I gotta go look a little closer at my truck. I think I could make somthing like that given a little time to play around. Thanks for the idea.

i put an air pressure regulator in the cab, under the dash, that has 1/8" air lines connected from the air horn to regulator to and afc housing. can have any powerlevel from vallet mode (0 smoke) to full fuel mode. its a good thing!
Been doing the same thing with a little old ball valve in the cab,makes for great traction control up here in the wintery North!!