Quote from MRowsh on Diesel Ram Forums.
I had bought a HPVP44 from Industrial Injection. It worked about 10 months only. After 10 months I started having problems. At last, I had to take the truck to the best Diesel Mechanic I could trust. This fine professional Diesel mechanic took the VP apart and noticed that:
"The magnetic pickup that determines the advance timing , both screws fell out of the pickup . Why I have NO idea. The pickup inside is ground up too as it was riding on the tone ring . The pump is worthless only good as a core. "
Here go's
The first pic is the screw or one of two that holds the magnetic pickup to the timing ring inside the pump.
Next is the pickup notice the two mounting holes.
This pics illustrates the mounting point on the timing ring. I found only one screw the rest was chewed up by the internals.
In this pic you can not see very well but the inside of the case I found a perfect round goug where the missing screw had bound up against the case and lft a imprint.
If you look closely the inlet fuel line accually cools the bottom of the electronics of the mother board before it enters the pump . Now you can see why it is crucial to have a good working LP pump such as a FASS .
These screws should have had some sort of loctite .
I figured the some people might not be a member of Diesel Ram Forums and decided to load this up. Very good info.