p7100 cam


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Just looking for some new information on this, in your "New Products For 2012" there seemed like a lot of intrest in it.

any idea when you will relese it? 12mm or 13mm or both? price?
I have one quote and waiting on the other. I should get the final quote this week and then pull the trigger. I will post up as soon as there is any news


Although I have no way to 100% guarantee that they will last 100,000 miles, the designer has taken his time to slow the roller down so it does not get launched over the nose and hammer the backside, the springs will be upgraded so that there is no float and the cam will be new not reground so that it will be harder to a greater depth. Combine that with the fact that it was designed by one of the best in the business, with great attention to detail, on a CNC Landis grinder and I would not hesitate to put one in my daily driver. I Also want to take a minute and thank our designer. Thank you for ll of the hard work!

They should be just fine for a daily river or a 5,500rpm puller.
The springs on the left are for 12mm and 13mm pumps under 5,000rpm, and the springs on the right, for over 5,000rpm.
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So when are we testing these cams in my pump????

It's a maxed 180hp pump 5000rpm GSK

If you want I can get the numbers from the pump shop before and after the cam for injection rate and flow numbers. Then dyno runs before and after to compare. Just tell me what numbers or things to log. Dyno and time is at your disposal.
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I'd be interested as well Zach. I've got a pretty healthy pump already but I could get a before and after done on the dyno pretty easily. Just let Kevin know and send me a bill for it.

Very difficult, pump shop would have to install it for most of us.

seth a DPE told me right around $180 in labor to swap a pump cam.

what are those springs for? what do they do???

do you have the specs on how your cam compaires to a 160 or 175 pump cam?

any idea of price yet on springs and cam?
seth a DPE told me right around $180 in labor to swap a pump cam.

what are those springs for? what do they do???

do you have the specs on how your cam compaires to a 160 or 175 pump cam?

any idea of price yet on springs and cam?

Thats a great price then!
I have one of these in the shop at the moment. If I can get caught up on my work, I will be in the new shop in less than 2 weeks and have our new dyno setup and actually be able to get you some numbers.

Price? I have a goal to stay under $599 with the springs included, I initially wanted to do just the cam, but I really think the new springs are needed which is the reason for the higher price. Timeline is 1 to 4 months. If I can get 20 people to send in their cams minus the bearing, I will do a short run of test cams for $350 a pop for 885,887,913, or 911 cams and $550 for all of the rest.

How does it compare to a 160 or 175? I have never analyzed one as they have so many flaws. They are both cams, but that is about the extent of the similarities.

4cyl, not likely to happen in a new blank. If there is enough interest, I can do a run of re-grinds if people will give me a pass for breaking my "no re-ground, used cam" policy. I have had to touch up some already ground cams in the past, but usually shy away from re-grinding used cams unless there is no other option like these pump cams.
regrinds, I also have to apologize, My cam measuring machine gave me some false data as I found that the jaws slipped on the cam as I was measuring so the rotary data was off some. Please forgive my mistake.

The new data....

the high threshold of velocity is maintained from 4.72mm to 8.66mm on our cam and 6.019mm to 8.28mm on the OE. Maximum velocity is at 6.73mm on our cam and 7.67 on the 887 cam.

This wider window of higher velocity will give the pump builders the tools to give a faster rate of injection over a wider range of mm of rack travel possible with the OE or OE style cams with just more fill time.

The full injection event is cut down somewhere around 4 degrees depending on what lifts you are looking at.
Also, 218 degrees of fill time have been added to the cam.
yes, you will notice the most difference on a 160-175 pump as those cams have the least fill time.
I have one of these in the shop at the moment. If I can get caught up on my work, I will be in the new shop in less than 2 weeks and have our new dyno setup and actually be able to get you some numbers.

Price? I have a goal to stay under $599 with the springs included, I initially wanted to do just the cam, but I really think the new springs are needed which is the reason for the higher price. Timeline is 1 to 4 months. If I can get 20 people to send in their cams minus the bearing, I will do a short run of test cams for $350 a pop for 885,887,913, or 911 cams and $550 for all of the rest.

How does it compare to a 160 or 175? I have never analyzed one as they have so many flaws. They are both cams, but that is about the extent of the similarities.

4cyl, not likely to happen in a new blank. If there is enough interest, I can do a run of re-grinds if people will give me a pass for breaking my "no re-ground, used cam" policy. I have had to touch up some already ground cams in the past, but usually shy away from re-grinding used cams unless there is no other option like these pump cams.
I got a spare 887 pump, I just need to get the cam out. What's needed to remove it?