Paint or bed-liner the roll pan?

Paint or bed-liner material

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Ceritified Kleenex Dealer
Aug 3, 2006
What do you think...I think paint will be cleaner looking for those times I actually wash and wax the truck...but the bed liner will be more durable, and is also a little more forgiving in the fact that the roll pan isn't a 100% perfect fit, and im no body man so its about as good as its gonna get.

also thinking that the rear lower portion of the bed looks horrible with rock chips and i would coat that as well to cover up and prevent future rock chips.

Here it is on the truck in primer, and the portion of the bed i would coat along with it


I think any faults would be highlighted by bedliner. At least with paint the color would be uniform.

JMO. I think it's going to look nice no matter what you do.
liner it up. itll look more rugged and also be more durable... do they fenders too.
I say linex it. I caved in both fenders and creased both side and I had them linex and you can't even tell now.
i had the bottom of my truck done w/ that stuff (stop the paint chips). love it to death
I'm going to have to say bed liner. Looks better and stands up better to road grime and rocks.
TJ, liner it, and forget it!!!, it will cover up alot of small inperfections, and will hold up, depending on what you go with, there is some smoother layers you can go with if you dont want the textured look, I have been doing the bottoms of my trucks with a product called Durabak, a nd although, messy putting it on, I really like it, it holds up real well!, I have also thought about a roll pan, and if I do,it will get lined to match my rockers, but My Alien Patrol bumper,{that should be here this week, is going to the LIne-X dealer, as I dont want to mess around with all the little nooks and crannys on the bumper with the durabak,, and he is shooting me a good deal on line-x anyhow!lol
Liner be glad you did...

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well i would be doing it myself with the herculiner i put on my front bumper...and it held up in a 40mph collision without scratching it, and one of the main reasons i was gonna go with it is the cost issue...

but a buddy of mine said his brother will do all the final body work, prep, paint, and clear coat it for $50...which you cant beat, so im gonna paint it for now...and see how it looks after a few months of driving and pulling...if it gets chipped or i dont like how it looks, ill go ahead and coat it with the liner since i will only be out $50 for the painting.

i eventually want to have the entire rocker panels done, but i want them done by a professional, whenever i have the extra cash