
New member
Jun 3, 2007
i got my twildman chip and i thought i knew where the PCM was but now i found what looks like 2 boxes that could both be the PCM... one behind the glovebox and one under the hood by the intake... which one is it!!!
did you clean the terminals well? They got a thick layer of junk (silicon like stuff) smeared on them to protect them.
Get some paint thinner or something to that nature, razor blade, and some sand paper or brillo pad and clean the terminals. They have parafin on them that will need to be taken off.
sorry guys but i forgot to update last night.. right after that post i also took the bottom half of the PCM cover off and noticed that it was still completely covered in the silicon stuff... i cleaned it off, put the chip on, started her up and man does that lope idle tune sound awesome!!! you know what though... i don't even know if it is a lope idle tune, i forget if i asked for a lope idle tune haha i think it might just be a really aggressive fueling program cause it only lopes for like a minute or 2
The OBS trucks have a tendency to lope at idle with the higher power levels. . .they sound really cool on the upper end of the chip!
yeah it's so fun if i'm driving in that tune (talk about LOTS of engine noise!!! sounds like a tractor trailer!) and i pull up to a light and it goes "ROMP ROMP ROMP" then clears up