PDD Power torque ATF


New member
Nov 10, 2015
So about 2 months ago i decided my 97 2nd gen wasn’t fast enough and probably never will be, but either way broke out the savings and started buying parts. I started with AFC live stage 2, 40psi max travel kit, 7x.009 injectors from PDD and long story short the stock trans got a decent slip in 3rd when in “kill mode" so been babying it while i figured out what i wanted to. I got in touch with Todd at PDD and had a good conversation about my goals ,trans ideas, and where i was cost wise and it looked like i would be nursing a stock trans for a while. later that day Todd gave me a call back and recommended their new ATF so i said why not and ordered some and a filter from PDD, did the filter and fluid change from ATF +4 and took the truck out in full fueling with no more slippage. This may seem like a too good to be true product and I’ll admit i was fairly skeptical but it seriously works for pushing a stock trans farther, and i highly recommend PDD Powertorque ATF now to find the next failure point

new here so if this is the wrong area just let me know thanks
Our new trans fluid is magic, but it has helped quite a few slipping transmissions hold full power again.

Thanks for the review.