Performance Box Recommendations

Jim Fulmer

New member
May 6, 2006
This would be for a normal person unlike myself. Right now I'm looking more at an Edge with Attitude for the simple fact it has gauges ect with it, not to mention the de-fuel capability.

The truck is a 04' with a stick and he is looking more for towing power and economy, not for a barnburner.

Thanks, Jim
The Juice/Attitude is a great choice since it offers so much in a small package. EGT gauge is the best feature along with other cool stuff like tranny slip, boost, water temp, corrected speed, lockup, and more. If you get a newer unit, it even has a turbo timer on it.

You can't go wrong with Edge customer service go for the Juice/Attitude. Its smooth, very user friendly hp.
973604x4 said:
The Juice/Attitude is a great choice.
You can't go wrong with Edge customer service go for the Juice/Attitude. Its smooth, very user friendly hp.

Could not agree more. Best customer service I've ever had.
I am very happy with mine. Easy to install, defueling is nice, and the power is reasonable for a stock vehicle.

My truck is used for towing at least half the time and so I didn't want anything radical. I have seen about 2 MPG increase on the highway with it on level 3(Drive).
I've seen 2 MPG increase while towing. That might not sound like alot but it works out to 15% btter economy. Driving 40k mikes a year you should save a minimum of 1,000 bucks in fuel costs. ...err if ya don't hotrod it. :doh:
I run the Diablo sports puck and preatior combo pack . Its done rte by me.
Theirs a lot to choose from just do your home work.
So far, I love my Edge/Attitude, plenty for me for now, and even after I upgrade my turbo/injectors(well after the trans), ill probably stick with the Edge and just get the hot upgrade...