piece of shat bullydog


New member
Oct 22, 2006
im having problems with my tridog! its like completely locked up. i have dont everthing like unhooking the battery cables and letting the power drain out. any suggestions? please let me know!:confused:
its froze even when it dont have power to it? or the truck? fill out your signature so we can see what your running
like its frozen all of the time. it wont let me switch from stock to performance and all of that good stuff. it powers up, it just wont let me adjust anything!
did you get the latest updates and made sure it was uploaded from the computer correctly has it been running before this problem just a few questions also dd this happen while you were installing it
He's a buddy of mine. He's got it hooked to his obdii port all of the time so he can shift it on the fly (feature with the tridog). He went to turn it down tonight and none of the functions work. I said well lets disconnect the batteries and it's back to stock now. This isn't the first bullydog I've heard of doing this so he's going to take it back to the local diesel shop he bought it at. I'm trying to get him to buy the SCT of my 6.0.....You guys need to explain to him what a great thing it is to be SCT tuned....or brought into the light as I like to say!!
Because the dick's that ran my service dept. at my Ford dealership decided they would terminate my warantee when my close friend who's dad owned the dealership was asked to leave.......
I would try to send it back to Bully Dog, I have heard Great things about their customer service.
I had a bullydog crash in the middle of a upload to my truck last year. Crashed the ECM. I had to slip $50 to a tech from the dealership to stop by and reflash my truck from scratch. I called bullydog about 20 times and they tried but couldn't rescue the stock program. Good luck.