Please watch with open minds

Bingo. I started to watch it... waiting for the "hook"... but nothing got my attention right away so I said screw it. Didn't think it was gonna be worth the two hour watch.
i'm sorry but i've watched this movie and multiple other movies just like it and most of the things they claim are either made up or based on old information, especially the 9/11 things are all based on info from i believe it was september 2001, they didn't look at any other evidence after those dates where almost 100% of the things that they "prove" in the movie are actually proven to be false...
the biggest reason you know that this stuff is fake is that most of it is made by COLLEGE STUDENTS... and being a college student i know that we can pull stuff out of a$$es pretty well...
now that you know that this stuff was made up by college students do you still believe that it's real?
i'm sorry but i've watched this movie and multiple other movies just like it and most of the things they claim are either made up or based on old information, especially the 9/11 things are all based on info from i believe it was september 2001, they didn't look at any other evidence after those dates where almost 100% of the things that they "prove" in the movie are actually proven to be false...
the biggest reason you know that this stuff is fake is that most of it is made by COLLEGE STUDENTS... and being a college student i know that we can pull stuff out of a$$es pretty well...
now that you know that this stuff was made up by college students do you still believe that it's real?

Where's the proof that its made up by college students? I personally dont have all those facts myself so I call it all bull. I did look up the North American Union ordeal and that is in congress...
Where's the proof that its made up by college students? I personally dont have all those facts myself so I call it all bull. I did look up the North American Union ordeal and that is in congress...

i was more referring to OTHER videos, such as "Loose Change" which is what most of the 9/11 conspiracy videos are based on, from what i understand zeitgeist does include that in it... "Loose Change" was made by a group of college students that made the movie for a class project... they used information from VERY grainy, low-quality video tapes from 9/11 to attempt to "prove" that it was a conspiracy by the government, they also used news articles and evidence of what happened that never dated past september of 2001... they only used information that was within that first couple weeks because it worked well for them, no one knew what happened yet up to that point so all the articles contradicted themselves and didn't make any sense, which helped their case..
here's the number 1 reason why all this crap is just that... crap...
if any of the government conspiracy stuff in these movies was true do you really think that the creators of these movies would still be alive?