potasium permangenate


New member
Apr 15, 2009
It is a helluva oxidizer, anyone ever play with it as a diluted injectable, instead of adding a fuel, you would be adding an oxidizer? discuss :poke:
just off the hip.... to get the mix stable enough to handle/transfer.... would it remain beneficial?

You know there's another good oxidizer out there that's getting decent attention too...
How does it play with metal such as cylinder bores, and aluminum pistons?
Not sure aboit burning it but it can be used to treat bacteria and other water born diseases n fish. Sunlight degrades it fairly quickly and u shouldnt get it on your skin.there is orobably something better and safer to try
thought this was a spammer when I saw the title of the post...

carry on gentlemen!
me spam, never been so insulted in all my life! ( not true, somebody asked me if I was friends with Wade once ) my wonder centered around the idea of using it instead of water meth mixture, but injected through that type of system.
Interesting. Do not know enough aboyt the substance to give any insight. But I will read up on it once I wake up a bit.
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_permanganate"]Potassium permanganate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

I see one part where it says it is used as a propellant. Still don't know why someone would pursue this though as an injectable?
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(obligatory)....why not just use nitrous?

even if it can be introduced to the engine, you're still faced with the same considerations for fuel/timing as you would be with nitrous.
(obligatory)....why not just use nitrous?

even if it can be introduced to the engine, you're still faced with the same considerations for fuel/timing as you would be with nitrous.

Cause race truck?

What i just read states that the compound is crystalline structure and diffuses into solution in water and then recombines.

Still sounds abrasive to me

Monkey Fist Rage
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hmmm well, sounds like a good way to crap up your engine. It's an i norganic salt, and as such it will disolve in water...the Mno4 (-) ion would most likely attack alluminum.

It will start fires when mixed with a fuel, but this is done in it's crystaline form. So if you want to add it, it would be in a powder...a good way to dust the engine good!!! Kinda like sucking in a binch of dirt.


Mixing potasium permangenate and aluminum powder results in a low grade explosive.
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hmmm well, sounds like a good way to crap up your engine. It's an i norganic salt, and as such it will disolve in water...the Mno4 (-) ion would most likely attack alluminum.

It will start fires when mixed with a fuel, but this is done in it's crystaline form. So if you want to add it, it would be in a powder...a good way to dust the engine good!!! Kinda like sucking in a binch of dirt.


Mixing potasium permangenate and aluminum powder results in a low grade explosive.

And when in water as a solution?

I is chemical toopid

Monkey Fist Rage
I would think taxidermist grade hydrogen peroxide would be better in a W/M application.