ppe dual fueler question


New member
Jul 30, 2008
i just install the ppe dual fueler last night and everything went fine the only problem that i have is when i have it in park and rev the engine quickly to 2200 to 2500 rpm it will back fire and puff out blue smoke, but driving down the road it is fine. i had my smarty on level 4, i didnt have much time but i did switch it to level 7 and it was fine no back fire but lots of black smoke. so i was wondering if i have to have the smarty on a timing tune to take care of that problem. i also notice that it is quieter at idle. im open for any suggestions.
Do you have more mods than you have listed in your sig? Going by your sig there is no reason to have duel cp3s. way more fuel than your stock injectors need...
i dont have anything else. im going to be getting injectors later maybe im getting a head of myself