PPE VS. Suncoast ^th speed conversion...


New member
Jul 22, 2008
PPE VS. Suncoast 6 speed conversion...

I am planning on converting my tranny to a 6 speed. I have 37" toyos with the stock 3.73 gears and will be getting 4.56 gears soon. I like that I cruise at lower rpms than a stock truck and want to maintain that to some degree after the 4.56 are installed. I see that Suncoast and PPE both have kits for this. I also see that the price is way different between the two kits. $2999.00for the PPE and $1648.00 for the Suncoast. I was at the Diesel drags in Redding a few weeks ago and talked to one of the guys at BD Diesel and they said that Suncoast is one of their biggest compettitors and that I should with the Suncoast kit because BD does not make one. Does any one know if thereis an advantage to the PPE kit over the Suncoast kit that I am missing. There is an additional core chacrge on the suncoast but you get that back when they receive your stock valve body.

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I would go to a custom set of gears some where in between 4:10 & 4:56 and not mess with the trans;

with my truck I would like higher gears like 3:08 or about,,,
I hear ya on the not going so big on the gear but I will be towing a 10000+ pound trailer and want the extra gruunt that the lower gears will give me. Plus my tranny will like spinnig these tires a lot more off the line so I beleive I will see a little better mileage in my daily driving since it is on streets with stopp lights. I have read that the Suncoast valve boddy is superior to the stock valve body especially in how it shifts and the sixth gear would give me back some of the rpm's when I am not towing and still want to cruise comfortably at less than 2000 rpm's. I feel as though I will be getting the best of both worlds this way. I appreciate the post though. So I will be doing thegers in the next couple of weeks and then it will be a few more months before my wife will forget how much I spent on gears and covers and let me do the tranny. LOL

I Like the avatar BTW!

