programin 07 dodge


Dec 15, 2006
Are you suppose to wait until you reach a certain mileage before messing with the computer on any trucks really? I heard before you should wait until 30,000 miles
Picked mine up with 2500 miles on it. By 2800 it had a box on it. By 20,000 it had a downloader. Everything's peaches.

Since you're asking alot of Cummins questions before your next purchase, let me just tell you...these things are tough. You've gotta be doing something really really stupid to mess one up. Yeah, every now and then you hear about someone dropping a valve seat "just driving along", but overall these things are tough and reliable beasts. Problems are few and far between. It'll be a refreshing change. Imagine, opening your hood and having it not look like the junk drawer in your kitchen. :poke: LOL

I see you're looking at '07s, eh? Those emissions gots me scared. If you do pull the trigger on an 07, I'd advise leaving it stock for a couple k miles. I'm not worried about the engine, but all the emissions crap bolted to it messing up the works. If you've modded, they'll be looking for every excuse they can to make you pay. Mark my words, these emission controls are the "debble".

My advice, get a late 03 to early 07 that is not overly emissions equipped. Bombs away!
I gott'a agree with the tinfoil man....... 03 to early 07, that means stay with the 5.9 motor.
I was lookin at 07 but I may not get one. I will atleast be getting an 04.5 from what I hear they have more get up to them.
fordtk12 said:
I was lookin at 07 but I may not get one. I will atleast be getting an 04.5 from what I hear they have more get up to them.

Dont know how that could be 04.5-07 5.9's are all the same. 325/600 or 610
95ram, he said "At Least" be getting an 04.5, therefore he is simply meaning 04.5 & up
hey guys...i too am about to purchase a new 07' cummins brand new off the lot with the 5.9 HO...i havent had the time to look it over yet but i was just curious if these things had the DPF and other emissions devices as the 6.7's or if its pretty easy to get away with exhaust and other mods...