Project DeRanged truck progress

All in due time. Tim is working on quite a few things for his truck and when it is finished, we will all know. He has been really good about letting us know what's going on and when things get finished.
I would love to say I do, but each time it bites me in the ass. Its getting much closer, and with the help of several folks, it will be in Austin soon.
Mike Dillehay is bringing it to Sema and Chad Westfall is going to drag it home to Dallas on the 7th, (for less than 1700.00). I am gonna bring it to Austin right after that, and cram the motor and tranny in. Thanks to both of these guys for helping out. I really appreciate it. Once it is in Austin, getting it to you is easy. Gene has done an incredible job, and I literally could not have done this without him. The only thing welding wise I will have to take care of is the 10 point cage. That's easy!
We thought about Pukey, but figured you already had that name reserved. LOL

Like boats, she will have to name herself. Its usually from something it does. An old airplane I flew, 1941 Stearman, was named daisy when we bought her. The old owner named her after his favorite cow. It tried to kill me on Oct 15, 1997:



Little did I know that my Ex wifes, (now your dragsters name), nickname was Daisy. Coincidence???? I think not.
We thought about Pukey, but figured you already had that name reserved. LOL

Like boats, she will have to name herself. Its usually from something it does. An old airplane I flew, 1941 Stearman, was named daisy when we bought her. The old owner named her after his favorite cow. It tried to kill me on Oct 15, 1997:



Little did I know that my Ex wifes, (now your dragsters name), nickname was Daisy. Coincidence???? I think not.

**verifies that Tim will NOT be piloting any plane I ever get on, if I ever get on one again**

Then again I could look at it like The World According to Garp- what are the odds of that happening to him twice? :D
Tim the ranger is looking great. It looks real professional and clean. Its a good thing your not chewing through the steel like other projects online*bdh*

Again its looking great