Project DeRanged truck progress

Damn, I'm all choked up, and to think this time next week it will be sitting in my garage. :woohoo:
Do we need to arrange a ticker-tape parade in downtown Austin?
Tim the ranger is looking great. It looks real professional and clean. Its a good thing your not chewing through the steel like other projects online*bdh*

Again its looking great

He could be spending 10,000 dollars on something that doesn't work.
Gene added one last touch before it leaves for Austin.


Dang that thing looks sharp. That's how ford should have done it lol.
Hey are you using the clamps for the stacks that come with the grand rock kit? If so watch out ive broke like 5 pairs of em.. btw your project looks awesome:evil
You better see it, or something went terribly wrong Chad. LOL

I am using them, but it will get welded together once its all in place.
Tim, it was good talking to you again last night. The truck is looking great. I know your excited to get it back! Sucks your not going to be able to come to the class. Hope the projected plan works out for you next year.
Thanks Jason, If you guys want to try to use the truck for the seminar, that would be fine by me. We can work out the logisitcs.
Hmm, I might have to make an unscheduled trip to Texas to steal parts off of... ahem, I mean, check the Ranger out. :D