Pull manifold or leave on?


New member
Jan 12, 2015
Turbo decided to die on the truck so I need to do a swap in a parking lot where the trucks sitting. I see a lot of people swear by pulling the manifold but mine isn't leaking or anything so I would hate to do it.

Bolts are soaked with PB blast and I was told a swiveling ratchet wrench will do the job on the block side bolts. Can anyone re-assure me i wont pull all of my hair out if I leave the manifold on?
I have a brand new turbo the customer decided not to pull his manifold on. Turbine wheel is trashed. Pieces tend to go backwards when a turbo takes a crap. He didn't clean his air filters either.

Always clean manifold and entire intake system when a turbo takes a crap.
make sure no debris is hiding in it and wash any oil residue out.
Pull the manifold, the gaskets are re-usable, now would be a good time to get a set of manifold studs to make it all the easier.
I will second the stud recommendation. I converted both of my trucks and I wish I had done it before.

96 3500 5x018 7mm dvs 62fmw
So 4 cans of brake clean!!!

Yeah while it's running!! OH and I've never seen manifold gaskets stay together they fall apart total PITA! Four pieces for each some drop into the twilight zone never to be found again! LOL