Question about blue smoke on start...


New member
Aug 6, 2006
I just got my SCT from DJ yesterday. I installed the street tune and man it is awsome, makes me wonder about the looney. Anyway to my question, as I said I installed the street tune yesterday and drove around for an hour or so, I got on it about 5-6 times total but I didn't abuse it too hard, so it's all good. I get up this morning and go start it up and poof blue smoke for about 10 seconds, is this normal? What is causing this? I LOVE the power:woohoo: but I don't want to blow up, if you know what i mean.
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Hi Don,

DJ says that's normal operation. There is nothing wrong with your truck and you have nothing to worry about.

When you take the catalytic off, it will happen from time to time, even stock.

Mine does it at initial start up as well. Cat in, cat out, tune in, tune out, makes no difference.
Vivian, I just noticed you have the same b-day as my wife, except she was 1964. Cool!:Cheer:
Oh, so she's only 20 years older than me :poke: LOL LOL

Tell her I wish her a wonderful birthday. It's on a Sunday this year which means she gets to pick whether she wants to celebrate Saturday night or Sunday. I personally choose the whole weekend :woohoo:
