Question about map senser an data sener

MAP is a variable voltage output between 0 and +5V. What do you mean by "data sener"?


This is 2001 diagram. Oil pressure sender is different on 2002.
The truck is a 01 model. I thought they had a data sensor beside the map senser on the head? Does the map sensor read full 5 volts with boost on it or 0, I was trying to see if a guy could connect to one of the wire off the map or data senser (of what ever that senser is) to make a turbo of a durmax work. The paper work that i read on the durmax was 5 volts but the dealer ship told me 12 volts so im not for sure?
I believe the "data sensor" you are referring to is the AIT (Air Intake Temp) probe. It is just in front of the MAP...a little less of a PITA to get to. It looks like two wires that come together and are dipped in ceramic.