Question for Zach or Ryan.....


I need help!!
Mar 4, 2007
Hey guys I got my cam and I cant thank you guys enough, I called in and got the 1/2 off deal you guys did a couple weeks ago!!! MAJOR PROPS FELLAS!!! This was a big help guys, money is alittle tight these days..... and wanted to let you guys know this was much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for my question, do I need the bolt on retainer for my truck? If so I didnt get one when the cam came. Im new to the whole cam game so bare with my questions I might ask!! :Cheer:

I know I paid extra for the bolt on retainer, and had to ask for it.
I have never seen a gear walk on anything other than a healthy p-pumped truck. If you have a cr or a vp truck you do not need the bolt on option. We do not include it in every cam to keep prices down. With the extra expense of our new cast billet I needed to do all I could to keep pricing competitive with other cams. If you feel like you just want one anyway, I would be more than happy to sell you one. Keep us updated on how you like the cam.

What would it take to convert a non bolt-on gear cam to a bolt-on gear? Ya know, just on the off chance I get crazy and do a little swapping. How long would it take?
If the cam is already tapped then it would just take pulling the front cover and bolting it on. If it is not already tapped then you would have to remove the cam to have it tapped. All of the new Hamilton Cams are tapped.

If you are wanting to add a bolt on retainer on a CR truck you might need to modify your front cover with a hammer and a 2" socket. The common rail engine does not use a gasket for the front cover this places it too close to the bolt on retainer.

How long of a turn around would it be if I sent yall the cam to have it tapped?
If it is not tapped it will take one day to tear it down and then one day at the machine shop to get tapped and then one day back in.

Cool. I was planning on bringing the cam to you and was just curious how long it would take for yall to drill and tap it.
Any machine shop can tap it, Just tell them to tap it 7/16" course thread 1.25" deep. If you want I can take it to the machine shop we use turn around is usually one day. If you have one closer and they are not to buisy they can usually do it while you wait. Let me know what you need.

I'd prefer yall to do it. The peace of mind is definitely worth it for me even if I have to wait a day or two.
hey zach is the cam i just got from you tapped for the bolt on retainer? i know that sounds stupid but the cam was shipped to my dads house and im at school in ohio! after talkin and telling you what i plan to do to the truck and with the truck would you recommend a bolt on retainer? if so pm me a price on one.
Yes it is tapped. If you plan on turnings more than 4k I would say it is cheap insurance. Especially if you have a 913 or 887 pump.
