question on the new ULSD


New member
Sep 5, 2006
I am having to run the new usld in my 01 cummins now and was wondering if its hard on my VP44. Also I have heard about guys pooring 2 stroke oil in thier tanks what does that do. any commints would be great
I would not use the 2 stroke. Use a good additive like Power service, or any other name brand diesel additive. The ULSD just doesn't have as much lubrication. Use a good addidtive and you will be fine.
What Haz said, the ULSD is not going to be much different otherwise. Just about any good fuel additive will work, but the Cummins seems to like Power Service and Stanadyne the best. I tried Howse and it did not do as well in my truck as the PS in a white jug.
ok, motor acts like it reves faster on usld is that true or just me? and why not use 2 stroke oli
I like the power service additive, and it helps my 12V. The ULSD did give me lower milage numbers, and I have a tnak of it in the truck now so I'll see if that first tank was a fluke or if it is really killing my milage as it did no the first tank.

i though that it improved my mileage by just .5 to 1 but every little bit helps
Wow, if you got an improvement then you are lucky. I clocked the abosoute worst milage to date in my truck with it. My "normal" empty average has been 23-26mpg and running almost empty (about 350lbs of camping gear) I clocked 17mpg with ULSD. There was a slight headwind so maybe.... I dunno. I'll see what this tank does and report back.

From what I have read it has less btu's, but who knows. And I have gotten less mileage with it too:doh: .
Duck said:
ok, motor acts like it reves faster on usld is that true or just me? and why not use 2 stroke oli

2 stroke is to thick, and doesn't work as well in diesels, it also tends to gum up injectors :(
ULSD has the same additives as LSD had. Only it has more of it now than before. THe fuel meets the same ASTM for lubricity that it always has, only now it's done with formulated additives rather than naturally occuring lubrication. Which I consider better personally.

I'm not running any additives and my mileage is the same as it was before. With the exception of the extra ponies I've added lately. Still hovering around the 17 mpg number with the Smarty and TST PMCR. Ran the Smarty only on hte 60HP setting and turned the TST off and got 22.2 mpg on a 240 mile trip with the ULSD.