r&p break in


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Just picked up my d60 from a guy who installed the r&p and he's really insistent that I break in the new gears before pulling ..... was interested if you know of a good way to do this or if you don't worry about it?

Truck has a filled block so driving isn't going to work
He was wanting me to put miles on them but with a dedicated puller wasn't really an option..... we talked about it for a while and couldn't really come up with any thing
if it was running on the street I would break them in so they mesh together. since this is a pulling truck, hook to the sled and give it hell. if its put together right you will be fine.
On your first hook, let the tires roll over once before you let it go. That should be plenty of break in on a puller... haha
If he's really bent about it, put the truck on jack stands all the way around and let it idle in high gear for like 15 minutes. Otherwise hook to the sled and itll mesh in perfect. I've never "broken in" gears before on my pull truck.