r.p.m.s and fuel plate?


New member
Mar 17, 2007
i have a 94 with nv 4500 3.55 gears.now when i first got this truck it would only rev to 2500 rpm and build 22 boost.i put a #5 tst fuel plate in it.when i put the cover back on i slid it all the way forward.and the plate is in the exzact same place it was stock .now i can get 3200 rpms and 35 boost.i have straight 4 inch exhaust with a single stack.it only smokes a lot when i pound on it.is this normal.also i blew out the clutch pretty fast.252000 miles,i knew that would happen.thanks
Ummm, that don't make no sense at all. The fuel plate and the governor spring are completely different parts. To get extra boost is normal as you're giving it more fuel, but your governor should be shutting things down at the same speeds as before.


I agree. That is not normal. I find it strange that you only had 2500 rpm with that transmission. Manuals rev higher than that stock. I bet you had a problem before you disassembled the top of your pump. My guess is your start solinoid was not getting full travel and you fixed it unknowingly when you reinstalled it.
Bet you like it better now. I would not worry. It should rev into the threes stock.
thats why i am asking i dont know what happend.maybe it got more rpms because the cluch slips under full load?thanks
well i agree the fuel shut off is probably opened a bit more now with the housing slid back letting more fuel through and maybe it was not a stock plate or if you are a 2nd owner the factory plate may have been reinstalled before they sold it and they put it back a little further back than it should have been and when you installed the new plate and moved it forward you are fueling harder thus gaining a few rpm's .
does anybody know where the fuel plate is suppose to be stock.?i doubt weather it had been apart before because it had the tamper screw in it,and it was pretty tight,but you never know?i put the special plate tst gave me when i took the old plate out,so the new one would be in the same spot.now should i have put the cover on all the way back or all the way foward or some where in between?thanks