R-Title value


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Looking at a 02 2500 QCSB 5 speed that is in really good shape no rust has <105k on it recieved r title for cab dammage from a tree falling on it. How much would having the r title decrease its value? sorry if i put this in the wrong spot this is my first post.
If the repairs were done correct I don't think it has much effect on value. The only thing is getting a loan towards it (if you'd need one)lenders don't usually like to make loans on R-titles.
like said before most banks wont loan on a rebuilt or salvaged title, and if they do loan, it will usually only be for 50% of the value of the truck. i would go over it with a fine tooth come to make sure it was re-done right. and see if you can get pics of the truck before it was fixed.