race trans electrical


knuckle buster
Aug 3, 2012
well I'm going to have to convert from the "cummins forum" and move over here due to way too much arrogance and B/S from over there . that being said , I just got my race tranny in the 12 valve . ill try and not ramble on about whats all done to the truck :blahblah1: its a full manual reverse pattern valve body (suncoast) and I have removed the PCM from the truck . so with the PCM removed how would I wire in the trans plug so I can control overdrive and L/U ? I tried running pin 6 to a grounded switch for O/D and pin 7 through a 30ohm resisted ground for L/U . nether work :doh: . I have the pig tail on the trans ( the round 8 pin ) with about 12" of each wire to work with , does anyone know or would be so kind is to help me out wiring this up ? thanks guys :rockwoot: OH PS: its a 96 47re trans ...sorry forgot to mention that :)
You have to apply 12v to the other end of the solenoids, then ground them out with your switches.
Pin 1 needs 12volts. Ground Pin 6 for OD, pin 7 for LU

THANK YOU !! i dont need to resist the ground then right? i really appreciate it
thank you so much ! im going to try and sneak the truck in the garage here at work and "git-r-done" ha ha this should keep it from kicking outta lockup right ? i had the PCM in it at first when i installed the valve body , OD and L/U worked . but if i manually locked it up and jumped on the truck it kicked out of lockup with vilont force. so hopefully this keeps her in there .
okie dokie it works like a charm .. still gettin used to the new setup though . it stays in lockup now but it wont work unless i engage O/D first . if i disengage O/D with the converter locked it kicks outta L/U . no biggie . im just glad it didnt hurt anything :) thanks for your time guys , and i appreciate the time you took to post that pic for me Matthews8pt ! got me goin , now just a few more tweaks , and bugs to work out before the TS show :D