Radiator drain valve broken?


Demolition Expert
Oct 29, 2006
Looked under the truck today to see a pool of radiator fluid. The drain valve on the bottom won't stop leaking! its turned all the way in and has a fast drip. I have tried turning the valve open and close quite a few times to see if sludge is built up in there.

Can I pull this plug out and get a new one or do I have to get a complete new radiator?
It's probably just slid out too far. turn and push in. if that doesn't work, push harder.
Not sure how much it will take to break this little plastic bastrd! but im sure ill find out :redx:
The harder I turn and the more I push lets more fluid out! If I loosen it a tad and turn the valve horizontal its just a fast drip. If I try turning it back in while pushing it then releases it to a straight flowing stream.
Check your local parts store. The twist part and rubber washer are available for most radiators.
I picked up the two rubber seals hopefully that will stop it from leaking.