Randall's Peformance Dyno Day/ Open House and sled pull


New member
Aug 26, 2007
Saturday July 26th
Near Gladstone, IL 61437
For all you Navigation Using Guys and Gals The road comes up as Gladstone Lake Road- located just off of Highway 34 West of Gladstone.

-Open House - focusing on our new (soon to be installed) superflow Chassis Dyno
-Door Prizes and Product Giveaways
-Raffle For Brand New Stainless Exhaust System with proceeds going to payout for sled pull
-Pork Chop sandwitches served by West Central High School FFA
-Live Radio broadcast

Sunday July 27th

Sled Pull at 34 Raceway's in conjuction with Des Moines Co. Fair.
Pulls Start at 1:00pm sharp
Weigh in from 11-12:30
For Directions Go to www.34raceway.com
We will have 3 Diesel Classes using the NADM rules for 2.5, 2.8, and 3.2 twin charger class of unlimited single
2 gas truck classes
2 Hot Farm tractor classes

Payouts will be at least $500 to win 3.2 twin class
$300 to win 2.8
$200 to win 2.5
we will pay down to 5th place

For more info go to www.randallsperf.com or call 309-627-2500

For Lodging I am in contact with a few Hotels in Burlington working on a group rate. Burlington, IA will be the best location if you plan on making a weekend of it.
Payouts for pull

Final Payouts Announced

2.5 Diesel Class
1st 200
2nd 100
3rd 50
4th 25
5th 10

2.8 Diesel Class
1st 300
2nd 150
3rd 75
4th 50
5th 20

3.2 Twin Class or unlimited single
1st 500
2nd 200
3rd 100
4th 50
5th 25