Real time everyday Cowboy Towing


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Cowboying is an everyday towing job from hauling cows to hauling tractors. Take a look at the tractor in the pic the tractor itself weighs in over 10000 add the loader weight,the spreader grader on the back weighs another 2800 pounds, oh and the tires are filled with water for traction. I dont know the exact weight but that is a every day kind of load for me and my dodge. Now that truck of mine is tuned for towing. How come you never see fords hauling that big of tractors? Lets make sure all the ford and chevy guys understand somethin, 1 dont post talking about a semi that is not the subject we are here for,2 just because your salesman said or the sticker says it dont mean the truck will do it dont be stupid and say look at these numbers that ford says it can do. Look people just read the post dont try and get into a arguement saying ford is better I own both dodges and fords I have pulled with fords chevys and dodges I know and other dodge people will tell you dodges out pull the rest dont believe the commercials the sticker or the salesman take it from guys like me that have tryed them all. I dont give a *** if I hurt your feelings or you think im conceeded who cares I post what I want so do you so if you dont like mine get the he** off this post and find another to cry in. If you have a legitament question or comment put it on here look at the profile and all my pics before you make a dumb statement. Lastly I am not here to hear about a damn ford or chevy I dont care keep it to yourself I am here talking to other dodge people talking shop ( Thats power and hauling for you people that dont know that ) swapping stories and knowlege for parts and upgrades and towing.
wow, i think i feel stupid after reading this post. I dont see a point to it. its almost like you were ranting toward someone, but i cant figure out to who or why. guess ill just stay tuned in and see how it goes.
1. I don't see a pic or a link to a pic

2. I'm lost with where exactly this is going

3. You just joined and only have 5 posts and I think you may have opened up a really big can of worms.

I am guessing you like to tow with your Dodge but so what. I like to tow with mine to but I also like to tow with my Excursion but I am not going to get on here and rant about it because who really gives a **** besides me.
I think i get it now, but dont see a pic anywhere.

Take a look at the tractor in the pic the tractor itself weighs in over 10000 add the loader weight,the spreader grader on the back weighs another 2800 pounds, oh and the tires are filled with water for traction. I dont know the exact weight but that is a every day kind of load for me and my dodge. Now that truck of mine is tuned for towing. How come you never see fords hauling that big of tractors?

Oh yea? look what my VW can do...


  • heavy_load.jpg
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Here we go again.....Cant they put a fence around CF to keep these clowns in.

Here we go again.....Cant they put a fence around CF to keep these clowns in.

:hehe: we go again. :bang:hehe: So, exactly what the heck do you want us to say? I'm lost for a concise question amonst all the babblin'. *bdh*
the guy is tired of the ford and chevy guys saying how much their trucks can tow--nothing more nothing less---chris
Hauling cattle & tractors doesn't make you a cowboy, that makes you a hauler.

All my diesels have been dodge, but I've seen all of the big 3 tow some things I wouldn't. All of the truck have their pros & cons, not the brightest first post I've seen.

Now which gets me to my favorite part, you will not come onto this site telling us what your gonna do and **** this and **** that. I'll make you and all your posts quickly go byebye, Then you will be the vanishing cowboy hauler. Fix your attitude or don't post anymore this is THE BEST SITE out there and we love every brand, your given a privilege to post on CompD so don't make me take it away.
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Hauling cattle & tractors doesn't make you a cowboy, that makes you a hauler.

All my diesels have been dodge, but I've seen all of the big 3 tow some things I wouldn't. All of the truck have their pros & cons, not the brightest first post I've seen.

Now which gets me to my favorite part, you will not come onto this site telling us what your gonna do and **** this and **** that. I'll make you and all your posts quickly go byebye, Then you will be the vanishing cowboy hauler. Fix your attitude or don't post anymore this is THE BEST SITE out there and we love every brand, your given a privilege to post on CompD so don't make me take it away.

he's not a scammer just a guy with some issues he's posted the same bs on another site. just kinda sad