really dumb question....NOT MY IDEA....but will it work?

truck is in my barn now....05 6.0.....coolant is blowing out the coolant cap and power steering fluid is puddled on top of the PS cap. kid says its been that way since day 1. dealer says its a bad coolant cap???? oh well. i could smell coolant burning when he pulled up. he puts more coolant in it about once a week so he says.

unplugged the sensor, very little difference. he tried cutting the wires and running a makes the truck sound "cool" but no more smoke. my job is complete as far as im concerned LOL
Ha....well thats good.....CS doesn't need another yahoo foggin out every intersection!
The 6.0 does get a neat sound when the VGT Soleniod doesn't work.. Mine had the Soleniod fail a couple times and it was a neat sound, i never saw anymore smoke, just lack of power..
truck is in my barn now....05 6.0.....coolant is blowing out the coolant cap and power steering fluid is puddled on top of the PS cap. kid says its been that way since day 1. dealer says its a bad coolant cap???? oh well. i could smell coolant burning when he pulled up. he puts more coolant in it about once a week so he says.

unplugged the sensor, very little difference. he tried cutting the wires and running a makes the truck sound "cool" but no more smoke. my job is complete as far as im concerned LOL

LMAO can u say HEAD GASKET are blown........
and when u unplug the sensor it doesnt do anything but take longer for ur turbo to boost up
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about how the EPA isn't going to bother us with their insanity if our trucks don't blow smoke. That is positively the dumbest thing I've ever heard. No disrespect intended, but our trucks could have puppies and kittens coming out of the pipes, they'd ***** because they aren't WHITE kittens and puppies. Then then they wouldn't be pure bred... then they wouldn't be genetically engineered by a master race that hasn't been discovered yet.

You see where this is going? It's not about the environment, it never has been. It's about control. Control over everything and anything that anyone tries to do. It's about enough to make me want to barf up my lunch. So while I'm not advocating causing traffic accidents by causing limited visibility, I could really give less than a crap about how much smoke comes out of the pipe.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about how the EPA isn't going to bother us with their insanity if our trucks don't blow smoke. That is positively the dumbest thing I've ever heard. No disrespect intended, but our trucks could have puppies and kittens coming out of the pipes, they'd ***** because they aren't WHITE kittens and puppies. Then then they wouldn't be pure bred... then they wouldn't be genetically engineered by a master race that hasn't been discovered yet.

You see where this is going? It's not about the environment, it never has been. It's about control. Control over everything and anything that anyone tries to do. It's about enough to make me want to barf up my lunch. So while I'm not advocating causing traffic accidents by causing limited visibility, I could really give less than a crap about how much smoke comes out of the pipe.

Wow. I'll agree with you to a point. Listening to Nancy Pelosi talk about 50mpg for medium duty truck makes me wonder where she buys her crack, but if someone didn't motivate these guys to cut down on certain types of emmisions they wouldn't do it. You can't tell me you would be ok with us still having leaded fuel in gasoline applications. And you can't tell me you find it ok to know that some of the emmsions coming from todays engines are cleaner than the air going into the air filter in some cities... But as far as the master race of white kitties. Thats just a bit excessive.
Wow. I'll agree with you to a point. Listening to Nancy Pelosi talk about 50mpg for medium duty truck makes me wonder where she buys her crack, but if someone didn't motivate these guys to cut down on certain types of emmisions they wouldn't do it. You can't tell me you would be ok with us still having leaded fuel in gasoline applications. And you can't tell me you find it ok to know that some of the emmsions coming from todays engines are cleaner than the air going into the air filter in some cities... But as far as the master race of white kitties. Thats just a bit excessive.

I'll go along with the removal of tetra ethyl lead, that was some bad stuff, very toxic. But like you said 50 Mpg trucks... yeah right... Air coming out is cleaner than the air going in is just flat out retarded. My only comment about the emissions reduction is even if you did, what are you really gaining by it? Inner city areas, sure I can see that. But 90% of the country isn't city life. Every hair brained scare they have come up with has been proven to be a hoax... global warming, the hole in the ozone layer... what else... It's just such a bad joke these days. I'm just getting really sick of trying to laugh at the stupidity and just wondering when it's time to really draw the line in the sand and say piss off.

The master race of kitties might be immune to your monster though... might be a good battle for youtube! :hehe: