Rear door not opening!!!!!


New member
Jun 30, 2007
So me and my bud have been working on trying to get my rear passenger door open. It seams to be the bottom mechanism is rusted shut. We disconnected the handle from the rods. We can get the top latch unlatched. Our problem is we don't know how to get the bottom one undone. I need this done for work coming up.

Any help/ideas would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks ahead of time.
the only thing I know is the way I did it. I tried spraying it down to loosen it, but it was frozen solid, wouldn't budge. I ended up having to pull the trim back from the inside, and cut the bolts out from inside the door, so that the bottom latch would stay on the truck when I opened the door...took me a while to get it done. That's the only solution I know of...sorry!
I just went threw this. I took the plastic shell off, loosened the 3 bolts inside the door on the latch, stuck a long punch down there and beat on it with a hammer sprayed some more, then it finnaly loosened a bit. Then i just had my buddy shove it while i pulled and held the hand open. Then i removed the latch hoop from the bottom rocker and call it good. The top holds the doors tight enough. Then again mines only a puller no road use so im not worried bout that.
I had the same issue with my truck. After soaking it with penetrating oil for a week, and having all the trim removed and linkages removed from the handle, I had one guy pull up on the linkage arm for the bottom latch and then I kicked the door "in a ninja like manner" about 3 or 4 times from the inside until it came open.
I did the ninja kick to but it was out of frustration and the plastic panel was still on, now its slightly a different contour. So dont reccomend the ninja moves for door fixing.