Recommended manufacturers list for required equipment?


MR. Supreme Overlord
Jul 31, 2006
"An automatic transmission is permitted in all classes where an automatic transmission is used. All vehicles with the engine running 4500 RPM or more and using an automatic transmission must be equipped with a flex plate meeting SFI Spec 29.1 and be covered by a flex plate shield meeting SFI Spec 30.1."

Is there a list of recommended manufacturers for the required safety equipment? Specifically, I'd like a recommendation for the flexplate shield. Who makes one for a Dodge/Cummins bell housing? Can I make my own from 1/8" steel?
I have the SFI flex plate, it's made by Reactor. That's the type of shield I'm looking for, but no one makes it for the Cummins bellhousing. 727's and 904's don't fit. I was hoping the sanctioning org requiring the safety equipment could get me hooked up with a manufacturer.

I think it's obstinate to require a piece of equipment that no manufacturer has ever produced or certified. Having said that, I will not run without one. Mine may not be the best legs in the world, but they're the only ones I have!
None of the big name places have one? I am thinking Jegs or the like...
nope no one makes it for the cummins bellhousing yet I gave up on it last year brandon good luck let me know if you find one George
I guess you won't be able to run it brandon, I already have short legs so i can't drive it 4 you.LOL
I made my own and SFI approved it myself since there's none available.
brndon , I'm not real smart here, but if something disintegrates in under there, a piece of shrapnel could come right through that gap that was left open.
did you measure runout? how did you get it centered?

I'll run a double-laminated stocker before I buy one of those Chinese Automotive Trash units!
set it up with a dial indicater like it says in the instructions

the trouble with the double laminated is you don't get a sfi sticker with them
I don't know if it applies here but in the viper we ran a shatter/blow blanket.
It is a dence blanket that belive it or not will stop more that a steel bellhousing.
It was SFI.
Hope this helps.

Thanks Mike! I didn't really want a blanket because I have trouble with transmission heat issues as it is. I'll post up a picture of the shield I made to SFI specs. Hopefully it will help the manufacturers with dimensions so they can make one with a sticker.
Ok. It's finally done. I'll post dimensions when I find my angle finder.