Redwood Empire Fair (Ukiah, CA)

I'm tryin' like hell to get up there this weekend, funds are getting short :bangbut right now it's still in the plan......

Cool, was able to scrounge up some extra fuel $$ so I am a go for Saturday, see ya there Scott!

Sounds good Joe.

Who elso is going to make this hook? this usally a good track fellers :)

congrats joe!! looks like your truck is running really well!!

anybody else show up scott?
Had a great time as usual,

My Hook:

The batteries in the helmet camera were dead but the other camera I stuck on the bed was good to go, looks like a 20 foot bed :)
YouTube - BigBadDodge Ukiah, CA (Bed Cam)

How about the local looser who pulled like chit then felt the need to to do a burn out on the race track, Glad the cops got his dumb ass :hehe:


I had a blast! Im glad the idiot got caught! Props to the pit crew guy for the Lucas tractor throwing a ratchet at the dudes truck while doing the burn out.
Thanks for the video Scott, your wife always does an excellent job!

I was kicking myself afterwards for not running with the street guys so I would have something to compare to but I think I did Ok, just would have been nice to have someone else running in the SS class with me.

Man, I must have been off in La-La land or something, I missed the moron who did the burnout, I saw the strip he laid down on the track but missed the whole incident. Good he got what was coming to him though....:hehe:

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