Removeing the fan


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Hey yall Ok i know this sounds stupid but im having trouble getting my fan off.. Im trying to get to my oil pump but cant get the stupid fan off.. I got the bolts off the pully but it just wont budge!! Am i doing it wrong or missing something!!! And i read that as soon as i get that second fan shroud off leave it off is that a good idea???
Yeah...we have a fan clutch tool kit that had varous sizes of wrenches and a air hammer connection piece. That is the easiest and most efficent way to take it off. You can get a air hammer and a chisel bit and do it that way too. I did mine like that but once it was off I needed some more parts, so I just bought a new nut. I assume the engine is in the truck, so you are pretty limited on what yoou can do. I have done it with both and if your doing it more than a few times its worth the money to buy the correct wrench and assorted tooling to make it happen.