replacing pdc and electrical harnesses


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Well Im getting into something pretty big. Im doing pretty much a complete re-wire on my old truck. the truck had a electrical fire under the hood about a year ago an im tired of looking at it sit. the PDC was completely destroyed and melted the harnesses coming in about 8 inches. ive already removed the engine, battery boxes an have the harnesses in the engine bay stripped. now im getting ready to start pulling the wires from the harness going into the cab. My question is has anyone else ever done this before? if so what was some of the things you learned to do and not to do? is there any "tricks" to doing this?? any help is appreciated. thanks. Z.
Wouldn't buying a harness from a used truck or one from painless wiring be easier than doing one yourself?
dude... it can be done but thats a lot of wires to replace. Id try and buy a harness from a wrecked truck, ebay generally has all this stuff. other than that, solder shrink wrap and patience are all your friends
O shoot guys i forgot to add i do have a used harness already. The only area really damaged was around the PDC. but in order to change it out i had to pull all the wires from the engine bay. i thought i would have to pull the dash and pull those harnesses too but come to find out theres a plug just inside the firewall and 2 plugs on the fuse box inside the cab and it all pulled out. So now onto the fun of re running all the harnesses.
Changing the harness out isn't a big deal. I swaped every inch of wiring on my truck and on my uncles Duramax conversion. It was all plug and play just running them takes time